Descent #writephoto

The darkness swells around you
It fills your heart and mind
Beneath your skin, you burn with fever
Stung by words unkind

You try to rise above it all
To take the higher ground
But insults drag you back below
Where silence stifles sound

They talk in whispers behind your back
Cruelly rumours spread
Ignoring them just doesn’t work
They breed inside your head

The bully’s power comes from meanness
The need to cause a frown
For the weak who cannot raise themselves
Put everyone else down


A metaphorical deep, dark place written for Sue Vincent’s #writephoto prompt. The photo is from Sue’s blog, The Daily Echo. Check it out!

11 Comments on “Descent #writephoto

    • Thank you, and very poignant observation. Sometimes it feels like we take one step forward and two steps back, and with the rise of social media, bullies can follow you into your home and sit mocking you from your pocket.


  1. Pingback: Photo prompt round-up – Deep #writephoto | Sue Vincent's Daily Echo

    • Aw, thanks! 🙂 I’m always concerned my rhymes might come off as cheesy (even when I throw in some masculine rhyme, to try and mix things up) so I’m glad to receive the Jade M. Wong stamp of approval. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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