Year of the… [Haiku] – #12MoW

Snuffles and truffles
found wallowing in the mud
noble little pig

Since last year roughly corresponded to the Year of the Pig, I decided to write an ode to the pig (albeit in the form of a haiku) for my 12 Months of Writing challenge.

The pig is a very under-appreciated animal. Not many know this, but pigs are the actual masterminds behind the fakenews campaign that dolphins are our secret overlords. It’s all smoke and mirrors with the pigs.

If you have written an animal-related haiku, drop a link into the comments below and it shall be duly read. Then join me next week for an animal-themed drabble!

7 Comments on “Year of the… [Haiku] – #12MoW

  1. Pingback: Year of the Pig — A Haiku – Jade M.Wong

  2. That’s great! I’ll see if I can manage something before the day is out 🙂 17 syllables is so little it seems like there’s no excuse to skip!

    Liked by 2 people

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